NUMS MDACAT 2023 RESULT ANNOUNCED NUMS MDCAT 2023 which was held on September 03, 2023. In past NUMS normally announce MDCAT result within a week or maximum of 10 days after the test. It is expected that, NUMS MDCAT Result 2023 will be announced on any date from 10-15 September 2023. You can check the result at the official NUMS website by entering your CNIC and Captcha code. NUMS MDCAT 2023 was held for admission to Army Medical College and CMH medical colleges administered by NUMS. National MDCAT 2023 is required for admissions to Army Medical colleges and affiliated private medical colleges. NUMS will announce the admissions to its affiliated medical colleges soon. Applications will be submitted online at the NUMS portal for admission to Army Medical College and its affiliated private medical colleges separately. U should go on NUMS website and enter Nic no Captcha Code NUMS MDCAT 2023 NUMS MDCAT Result 2023 will be uploaded o...