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Showing posts from October 31, 2021


SINDH GOVT JOBS IBA SCREENING TEST GOVERNMENT OF SINDH Services, General Administration & Coordination Department Screening Test for BPS-05 to BPS-15 Government of Sindh intends to fill the present vacant posions of (BPS-05 to BPS-15) in all the ministries/departments. The inial screening tests will be conducted by the SIBA Tesng Services (STS) as per following rules approved by the Provincial Cabinet on 24-12-2019. 1. There shall be a Separate Testfor each category i.e Graduaon, Intermediate and Matric 2. The cut-off percentage shall be 40%. 3. The test result shall be valid for three (03) years. 4. The interviews will be conducted by the concerned Departmental Selecon Commiees specified under Rule-5 (1) of Sindh Civil Servants (Appointment, Promoon and Transfer) Rules, 1974 inserted vide Noficaon No. SORI(SGA&CD) 3-76/2019, DATED: 03-03-2020, already nofied by the Government of Sindh. 5. The tests will be conducted at divisional headquarters. 6. Age requirements (Minimum 18 y...